2023 Annual Appeal

Charitable Registration # 81631 4389 RR0001

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$500Raised $0 towards the $500 target.$0Raised $0 towards the $500 target.0%

Donations are accepted anytime of the year and always appreciated. A tax deductible receipt is issued for any donation of $20.00 or more.

  • CLICK HERE to donate online through our safe and secure connection to CanadaHelps.org


  • CLICK HERE to display the SWESA donation form. Fill it out and either mail it to us or drop your donation off in person at the Blue Quill Community Centre. CLICK HERE for our mailing and Blue Quill addresses.

Fundraising accounts for one third of SWESA’s operating budget. Annual Appeal donations go directly to offset operational expenses, ensuring we can maintain a low annual membership fee of $40, provide affordable programs and expand programs that meet the interests and needs of older adults.

“Friends come into your life for a reason.  SWESA came into my life as a miracle.   As we age we lose our friends for many reasons and life can become lonely. I joined SWESA and life returned.  I have met so many lovely new friends and reunited with friends from years ago. After the recent loss of my husband, I received such kindness and compassion from SWESA friends.”